We are Bi (美) Beauty Care Innovations

We make

About Us

From Artificial Filtered Beauty to Amazing Natural Beauty: We are making this a reality

Transforming Skin, Transforming Lives

Welcome to our company, where beauty and science converge. We are a dedicated team of innovators and experts in the field of cosmetics, committed to enhancing beauty and promoting skin health. Our mission is to create high-quality beauty products that deliver amazing results for skin and facial care.

Our products are meticulously formulated using the finest ingredients, backed by scientific research, to ensure they are effective, safe, and gentle on your skin. We believe in the power of nature and science to improve skin health and enhance natural beauty.

We are passionate about helping our customers achieve their skincare goals. Our products are designed to rejuvenate, nourish, and protect your skin, giving it a healthy, radiant glow. We are committed to making a difference in your skincare routine by providing products that you can trust and results you will love.

Join us on this journey to beautiful, healthy skin. Experience the transformation and love your beautiful self again.

Our Innovations

Discover the secret to flawless skin with our revolutionary beauty innovations!

Bi White+ Cryo Therapeutic Toner

Bi White+ Facial Toner

Bi Leave-on Hair Growth Spray

Contact Us

Let’s Talk Beauty - Connect With Us Today!

Level 33 International Plaza
10 Anson Road
Singapore 079903
